Roaming notifications
The roaming feature allows querying and reporting information on device roaming status, so you can monitor when it's roaming or not.
Getting roaming notifications
The code snippet below will set up an HTTP server with a POST endpoint. This will allow receiving device roaming status updates. For example, you can set a notification for whenever a device is roaming or not.
Roaming notifications handler
# run with: uvicorn status_handler:app
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
class RoamingEventDetail(BaseModel):
roaming: bool | None
countryCode: int | None
countryName: List[String] | None
class Event(BaseModel):
eventType: str
eventTime: str
eventDetail: RoamingEventDetail
class Notification(BaseModel):
eventSubscriptionId: str
event: Event"/notifications")
def receive_notification(notification: Notification):
if notification.event.eventDetail.roaming:
print("Device is roaming")
print("Device is not roaming")
What is a notification URL?
Learn more about the notification URL/auth token and how to create a web server for them.
Note that the snippet above assumes you have already created Device Status subscription before, which you can learn how to do here. And that you have also created a Network-as-Code client and identified your mobile network device previously.
Last updated on December 04, 2023